一、 关于已保有的个人资料之使用目的

乐一番是由株式会社乐一番(Leyifan Inc.)所经营的多元化平台。以下简称『乐一番』。


1. 在您注册完成乐一番账户后,您可以在账号的管理控制台提交消息接收人信息,包括您指定的消息接收人的邮箱、手机号码("消息接收人手机号码")以及联系人的职位。乐一番可通过如上信息向您推广、介绍产品,发送业务通(含账单)或与您进行业务沟通。

2. 向顾客寄送乐一番商品、邮购型录和EDM等,以及相关售后服务、新商品、新服务等之通知。

3. 向顾客进行乐一番商品之营销、问卷调查、其他与生活相关之超值特卖讯息之联络。

4. 向顾客寄送乐一番举办的优惠活动奖品时

5. 向顾客寄送经乐一番判断合宜的企业邮购目录以及EDM、试用品时。

6. 向顾客发送市场调查以及促销、商品推广企划的信息统计时。 (以不特定对象的形式抽样调查)

7. 根据其他业者所获取的个人资料寄送邮购目录或EDM,以及相关售后服务、新商品、新服务讯息之通知。

8. 回复顾客查询购物相关事宜时。

二、 关于取得个人资料的任意性


三、 关于个人资料的提供


1. 已事先取得顾客的同意、承诺时。

2. 基于法律关系不得不提供时。对传票、法院命令或法律程序作出回应、取得或行使法律权利,或对诉讼上之请求提出防御。

3. 为了调查和防止非法活动、涉嫌诈欺、对人身安全有潜在威胁的状况、对乐一番服务条款的违反,或为了对上述情形采取应对措施,或法律另有规定,而有必要分享顾客的个人资料时。

4. 如果乐一番全部或部分业务被其他公司收购或合并,在顾客同意的情况下,将顾客的个人资料移转给该公司。

四、 关于个人资料的委任



五、 关于个人资料之公开或修改

1. 顾客希望针对自己的个人资料公开或修改时,本公司将在合理范围内迅速予以回应。咨询或修改时请与下列顾客咨询窗口联系。此外,资料公开有可能另外向顾客请求支付实际所需开支。

六、 使用、提供中止之申请

1. 经由顾客同意后,乐一番有权在本申明范围内使用、提供顾客资料,但若顾客要求中止使用、提供时,本公司应立即采行中止措施。但是基于公司营运之理由所必须保有的最低限度之资料恕无法删除,但会承担保密义务。

2. 顾客可经由联络下列顾客咨询视窗停止由本公司所发送的E-mail、广告信件或是电话等服务。但若欲停止订阅电子报或是退订,请按照一般程序取消。

七、 总论





八、 隐私权保护政策修订


九、 问题和建议





I. Use of Collected Personal Information

Rakufun is a diversified platform operated by Rakufun Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Rakufun").

Rakufun will use the customer's personal information such as name, home address, phone number, date of birth, and email address for the following purposes, unless the customer expressly chooses not to use it:

1.After you have completed the registration of a Rakufun account, you can submit the information of message recipients in the account management console, including the email, mobile number, and other contacts.. Rakufun can use the above information to promote and introduce products to you, send business notifications (including bills) or communicate with you on business matters.

2.To send Rakufun products, mail-order catalogs, EDMs, and related after-sales services, new products, and new service notifications to customers.

3.To contact customers for Rakufun product marketing, questionnaires, and other valuable promotional information related to lifestyle.

4.To send prizes for promotional events held by Rakufun to customers.

5.To send customers appropriate corporate mail-order catalogs, EDMs, and trial products as judged by Rakufun.

6.To send market survey information and promotional and product promotion planning information to customers (in the form of sampling surveys without identifying specific individuals).

7.To send mail-order catalogs or EDMs, as well as related after-sales service, new product, and new service information notifications, based on personal information obtained from other companies.

8.To respond to customer inquiries about shopping-related matters.

II. Voluntary Provision of Personal Information

The entry (including input) of personal information is voluntary, However, if the fields marked as 'required' on the personal information page are left blank, we won't be able to identify the customer or provide relevant services.

III. Provision of Personal Information

Rakufun will not provide or disclose the personal information obtained from customers to third parties, except for the following reasons:

1.When the customer's prior consent or commitment has been obtained.

2.When it is necessary to provide the information due to legal relationships. To respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal proceedings, to obtain or exercise legal rights, or to defend against litigation requests.

3.When it is necessary to share the customer's personal information to investigate and prevent illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations that pose potential threats to personal safety, violations of Rakufun's service terms, or to take measures against the above situations, or when required by law.

4.If all or part of Rakufun's business is acquired or merged by another company, the customer's personal information may be transferred to that company with the customer's consent.

IV. Entrustment of Personal Information

Rakufun will not entrust the personal information obtained from customers to third parties, except for the following reasons:

1.To the extent necessary to fulfill the intended use of the information, Rakufun may entrust the customer's personal information to a business entrusted company that has signed a confidentiality agreement. (For example, such entrusted companies may include delivery companies responsible for product delivery, printing companies for creating mailing labels, credit card companies for credit card payments, companies entrusted with product recovery when unpaid, and telephone business companies for notifying new products or services.)

V. Disclosure or Modification of Personal Information

1.If a customer wishes to disclose or modify their personal information, the company will respond promptly within a reasonable range. Please contact the customer inquiry window below for consultation or modification. Additionally, there may be a charge for disclosing information to cover the actual costs incurred.

VI. Request for Suspension of Use and Provision

1.With the customer's consent, Rakufun has the right to use and provide the customer's information within the scope of this statement, but if the customer requests suspension of use and provision, the company will immediately take suspension measures. However, the minimum information necessary for business operations cannot be deleted, but confidentiality will be maintained.

2.Customers can contact the customer inquiry window below to stop the email, direct mail, or telephone services sent by the company. However, to unsubscribe from the newsletter or cancel a subscription, please follow the standard procedures.

VII. General Provisions

Rakufun may periodically add new categories of marketing information to the marketing preference setting page. Users browsing this page can choose to opt out of receiving new categories of marketing information, or unsubscribe from these messages according to the instructions provided.

Rakufun reserves the right to send customers specific information related to Rakufun services (such as service announcements and administrative messages).

If a customer wishes to delete their Rakufun member account, please contact customer service.

VIII. Revisions to the Privacy Policy

Rakufun may revise this policy from time to time. When there are significant changes in the handling of personal information, a notification will be sent to the primary email address specified in the customer's Rakufun account, or a notice will be posted on the Rakufun website.

IX. Questions and Suggestions

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us through the customer service email.

【Customer Service Email】

Email: service@rakufun.com

Last updated on August 10, 2015