- Account & ID Verification
- Account & ID Verification
- Warehousing
- Option Services
- Usage fee & Payment
- International Shipping
Do we accept packages from overseas?
Yes, as long as the package is not subject to customs duties and it doesnt contain prohibited items, we will register the package to your account directly. If you have a tax bill that needs to be processed on your behalf, please contact customer service for the application.
1. Please contact our customer service team 1 working day in advance for the arrangement. Problems such as package returns due to late advance notice are to be borne by the member.
2. Please share the courier tracking number with our customer service, otherwise we can not receive a package for members.
3. The payment should be settled beforehand (Credit cards are not accepted, we ONLY accept PAYPAL), and once we confirmed the payment, our warehouse staff will receive your package and pay the tax duties by its arrival.
Service fee: 500JPY service fee + 5% of PAYPAL processing fee of the payment amount + 20% of the estimated tax of the product amount. (If the actual tax amount is lower than the estimated amount, we will refund the difference to your Paypal account or account balance (PAYPAL processing fee is non-refundable) .
If the actual tax amount is greater than the estimated amount, our customer service will contact you to make up for it.)