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Leyifan  >  Announcement  >  Rakufun 10th Anniversary Coupons
Rakufun 10th Anniversary Coupons

Release time: 2024-12-17 14:25:06

1000 JPY off shipping on orders over 5000 JPYhttps://www.leyifan.com/yh?id=20240929-111

500 JPY off shipping on orders over 3000 JPYhttps://www.leyifan.com/yh?id=20240929-108

300 JPY off shipping on orders over 2000 JPYhttps://www.leyifan.com/yh?id=20240929-103

100 JPY off shipping on orders over 1000 JPYhttps://www.leyifan.com/yh?id=20240929-100

Anniversary Lottery Delay Compensation Coupon(Oct. 12th)

Coupon delivery stopped

Please note:

For each of the above coupon types, each user can only receive and use 1 coupon.

Rakufun coupons cannot be used in combination and cannot be used at the same time as other event coupons.

Rakufun coupons are not limited to the sending area or the forwarding method, and the validity period ends at 15:59 on October 31, 2024 (UTC). 

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