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Leyifan  >  Announcement  >  Osaka Warehouse has been officially closed from 24 December 2021.
Osaka Warehouse has been officially closed from 24 December 2021.

Release time: 2022-02-11 10:23:24

As announced on 10 December 2021, Osaka Warehouse has been officially closed from 24 December 2021. Since some members did not check the notice about the closure of the warehouse and change their shipping address in time, we would like to remind all members again.

1. As Osaka warehouse has been closed, there is a risk of loss or destruction, please change your shipping address to Tokyo warehouse on each shopping platform as soon as possible. You may find our Tokyo warehouse address in "My account" > "My Japan address" (Note: all information should be changed including postal code, address and phone number.)

2. Members who still place a pre-order for shipment to Osaka Warehouse after 31 January 2022, it will be charged for transfer fee to Tokyo warehouse (Package will be charged according to the domestic actual shipping cost).

Note: Considering that some members have placed orders for pre-order items that will be shipped later than December 24, we would like to remind pre-order members to change their order address to "Tokyo Warehouse" address in a timely manner, and if the order cannot be changed, please contact our customer service in advance and we will make alternative shipping arrangements after collecting the order information.

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